Involving Interviews

Okay then, sorry I missed the last two Mondays, but with the Beltane Brouhaha I was up to my armpits is problems, pagans and playing. But all of that is behind me and there is so much to talk about. To start off with I had a few interviews over the break, and a review or two.

First there is Ben Rogers from Trilogy of the Undead. He kept it short and sweet, but oh so interesting. Read it here.

Then I spoke with Lyle Perez at Undead in the Head Book Reviews. He was gracious to not only review my book The Blooming, but also interview me. Nice!
Review and interview.

Buy Zombie did a bit on The Blooming as well.

And speaking of interviews, Lori Titus was good enough to chat me up for Flashes in the Dark.
Here's the results.

And as if that wasn't enough she had a whole hour of me on the Sonar4 Blogtalk show. Sweet!

Regina Riley got some attention as well, as a featured writer on the Steamed month long steampunk celebration, Steampunkapalooza. Give it a read, won't you?

She's also just hit the web with another interview on Sonya Clark's blog. Read eeeeet!

On another steampunk note, I found a great piece for my steampunk Madam costume. (yeah, sister gave me the idea and I'm running with it!)
Check this shit out!
Yes you are looking at what you think you are looking at. It's a vibrator on the end of a chain. A copper, pendant vibrator. A steampunk vibe. I love it! And it WILL be mine! bwahahaha!

In other news, Lucky Stiff is coming along swimmingly and we are estimating an end of the month release. Woot! I am super excited about the cover. Philip R Rogers is an amazing artist and has just bowled me over with his talent and interpretation. He has taken a simple idea and made it so much more. Just you wait folks, you'll see!

And thats about it for now. Stay tuned as I plan to interview a couple of authors, and ask all of the important questions. Like do you do it with the lights on or off? Or what's your position on anal sex? No, really, what position do you take, 'cause I'm always willing to learn new things!

First up, Ben Rogers. Get ready Benjamin, it's about the be on like Donkey Kong!