Mooting Marradith

So I've been on the webserial bandwagon a couple of months and I must say I have enjoyed the heck out of it. I've written way ahead, so I could concentrate on other projects while still releasing the serial week by week. I've even considered collecting the individual sections and releasing them as e-books for the Kindle. (More on that later, maybe.) Railroad! is bursting the 2,500 hit mark, and at 18 weeks that's not too bad for a new serial I think.

I've spent so much time talking about my serial, and encouraging people to read it, and practically shoving it down the public's throat, now I would like to a moment to encourage you guys to read a different one.

My very good friend Lori Titus has had a web on the run since 2009. Yeah, 2009! Her series, Marradith Ryder, is chock full of suspense, drama, romance and blood. Here's her blurb:

"Marradith Ryder has always had powers she can’t explain.  She’s taken from her home by a man named Justin, who claims that he was sent to protect her.  Can she trust him?  And why is she so important to the powerful members of The Circle?"

Marradith Ryder follows the young lady's adventures through the supernatural underworld. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, this story has it all! Part adventure, part paranormal romance, all ass kicking, Marradity Ryder is sure to please every pallet.

On the whole I enjoy Lori's writing. At times, especially early in the series, the writing is not as strong as I have read from her before, but over the whole series it remains strong enough to lure you into the tale and keep you there.

If you get a chance you really owe it to yourself to read it. Go on. I dare you!

New episodes of The Marradith Ryder Series are posted here every Wednesday.
You can also vote for Marradith on Top Web Fiction
To catch up with the author, visit her blog.