Terrific Tour

To celebrate and promote the release of SKIN TRADE I'm launching a blog tour out and about the interwebs. I'll keep you folks up to date here as to where and when I should appear on other folks' blogs. Also, if you host a blog and you'd like to have me come over for a post and ramble about some random topic or wanna ask me intimate probing questions, then just email me and I'll add you to the dates. I'll also hold a contest for a paperback copy of the book.

As for now, the book is free for a few days to download. If you snag a free copy, be sure and do a sister a solid by leaving a review of the book. I know you're gonna wanna read it, and I just know you're gonna really love it, so tell the world. Share the link with pals. Get the word out, because this book is made of super awesome fun time win! WOOP!

Here's the Amazonian link for downloads and such: