Simple Success

In his book THE INDIE JOURNEY, Scott Nicholson speaks about the measure of achievement when it comes to being an author. Is it a fat contract that will set you up for life? Is it a great big bag of money? Is it becoming a household name? Sure! These things are the most definable measures of success. But while the money and attention are great, there are other ways to define the success of a piece of work, one of which is reaching your audience. When you pen a piece, and you send it out into the world, you fret and worry that folks won’t like it. Then the reviews start coming back. Some love it; some hate it, but every once in a while someone connects with it. It touches them in an intimate way.
I have to admit, there is a certain satisfaction when someone ‘gets’ your work.
I recently received a review from the lovely folks at Living Dead Media, more specifically from Lori Bowland. She has reviewed my stuff in the past, and really seems to enjoy it. She’s been very generous with reviews., but this review was different. Lori took on my book BADASS ZOMBIE ROAD TRIP and read between the lines, all the way to the heart and soul of the story. (Or in this story’s sake, that should be “souls.”)
The point is, while lots of folks have both read and reviewed my BADASS, Lori got it on a level that a lot of folks will never understand. And that is fucking awesome.
When I started writing BADASS, I intended for it to be a buddy road trip story in the style of the old “Road To…” movies that featured three actors; Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour. I love the films, and thought it would be fun and funny to have a modern version of it. Of course, I wrote a zombie into the novel because, hey, zombies are fun and can be very funny. I also worked in a lot of subtle hints and nods, everything from occupations to character names. I did this mostly for myself, never knowing if anyone else would see the signs or get the jokes.
Lori did. She not only got it, she went even further by saying this: “Another great addition to the story is Candy who is so much like Dorothy Lamour that I can visualize her in a sarong.” (You can read the full review here.)
I am willing to admit when I read Lori’s full review, I teared up. Yup. I got all sentimental and weepy knowing that at least one person, aside from my chubby hubby, got the point of it. Not just laughed out loud, which I really love to hear folks say they did when they read it, but that she saw Bing and Bob and Dorothy in the three main characters. That she saw them enough to assign the roles and define their relationship. That the story felt like another “Road To…” movie. That I did what I set out to do.
Scott is right, knowing you reached that one person and shared such a personal moment with them makes the whole thing worth it. The book may never be a blockbuster or find its way onto Oprah’s book club list or see a treatment for the silver screen. (Which it totally should!) But I am happy knowing that I made at least a handful of folks wet themselves laughing, and at least one other “Road To…” fan smile.
Thanks Lori. I’m really pleased you liked it.
Later taters,
Ps: I would like to clarify that I am unopposed to getting a fat contract, a great big bag of money or becoming a household name. Anyone interested in giving me one or all three of these things, email me asap!