Earlier in the week, I uploaded a few books to the ACX website. There, I can offer my books to narrators to produce an audio book. We split the royalties and share the love. (You can also make a direct offer, but my budget is set for royalties only.)
The three books I have uploaded audition scripts so far are Devouring Milo, Gnomaggedon and the first volume of Railroad. Low and behold, I got a few auditions for Railroad! Yeah!
I hope the other two find some love as well. I would love to see Milo read by some sexy deep voiced man. Yum.
There was one audition in particular that caught my eye. Ear? Eye ear. My eye ear. It's the organ I use to notice what I hear.
This is what I get for googling eye ear! |
Any who I will shoot you folks the deets as soon as I know more about it.
Later taters,
ps: Here is a pic of a cat in tights. Nice panties!