Oh wait, I think I will!

And quotable.
Anyone who knows me, or at the very least follows me on Facebook, also knows that I quote my spouse on a regular basis. Now, most folks will do this too, leaving little gems and quips on their Facebook page for all the world to read and share a good chuckle. But I have collecting my husband's quotes down to an art. I've been doing this for years, starting with a text file I began early in our marriage and now spreading his wisdom across social media. I have even gone so far as creating a Facebook group to keep these quotes together. And a Twitter account.
I give you Everything I Learned, I Learned in Kindergarten, and from Tony Brown.
You can also follow his quotes on Twitter.
And eventually you can purchase your very own Tony Brown quote book. (should I ever find time to actually finish prepping it...)
I thought I would thrill you today by posting just a few of his classic lines. Sit back, buckle in and enjoy the ride.
“I will flog you again when your erection goes away.”
"Society is on a human rights ladder. We in America can still see so many rungs above us, but we often forget how many rungs are far beneath."
Again, you can find these quotes and more at his Facebook page and Twitter account.
Later taters,